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Education and studies in the Netherlands

The Netherlands has a high grade of education and schools. The majority of schools are operated by the government, while there are a few private foreign schools.

Schools that are open to the public

Government-funded public schools are open to all children, including foreigners, and are free to attend. However, most schools need a 'parental contribution' (ouderbijdrage) to finance extracurricular programs and trips. School costs begin at the age of 16, but are subsidized by the government.

Teaching levels at Dutch public schools are typically good, and schools are well-run, but with a more relaxed atmosphere than some foreigners are accustomed to. Some public schools provide specialized programs to assist non-Dutch-speaking pupils in learning the Dutch language and culture.

International academies

For older children or students who are only in the country for a short time, international schools in the Netherlands are frequently the best option. Curricula differ, with some schools teaching the curriculum and primary language of a certain nation. The Foreign Baccalaureate program is also offered by international and local private schools. Because foreign school fees are exorbitant and spots are few, it's critical to apply early.